How to Brew Perfect Coffee with Just One Button

Emily McIntyre 🦋 🕸 🌙
The Coffee Magazine
2 min readNov 16, 2017


Me, I’m a sucker for pourovers. Give me a Hario V60 or a Kinto brewer in the morning, when I’m shuffling into the kitchen like a zombie and have exactly 37 minutes to wake up before my tousle-headed daughter demands cuddles, breakfast, and hot chocolate (not necessarily in that order). I’ll weigh my latest coffee out, heat the water while I shake supplements from the bottles, and stretch while I pour water over blooming grounds, ’cause I’m a multitasker that way.

Sometimes, though, I don’t have time. Or I don’t want to get quite so precise. Enter the Ratio Eight brewer, looking like a spaceship from the science fiction story I didn’t write last week. On the spectrum of cool to cooler, Ratio tops the chart at coolest. You still have to weigh the coffee and add water, but ONE BUTTON makes the magic happen. One button, then you’re free to stare sleepily at the kitchen window while it burbles, blooms, and brews all on its lonesome.

Like I said, pretty cool brewer.

At we’re teaming up with Ratio Eight to offer you access to this beautiful coffee brewer. I’m personally throwing in a $20 coupon for coffee anytime you purchase a Ratio Eight before December 31st. If you want to learn more, click through to their gorgeous website and browse for a while.

I’ll just be over here trying to wake up.

Ready to upgrade your coffee experience?

Here’s a link for $5 off your first order. Click through to choose from 20 of the best roasters in the U.S. & 70+ coffees direct from farmers.



I’m writing a new fantasy short story every Thursday with 3 prompts from readers! Give me your prompts: take control of the story… let’s do it!